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Himmler's Secret War / Martin Allen

En réponse à -15 -14 -13 -12* -11 -10* -9 -8* -7 -6* -5 -4* -3 -2 -1*

Pas très bien compris de françois delpla le mardi 13 mai 2008 à 00h15

... si vous vouliez ou non l'ouvrir, la boîte.

En attendant, voici la pétition des historiens, publiée par le Financial Times et apparemment adressée à son rédacteur Ben Fenton :

Archives forgeries: official report is in public interest

Published: May 6 2008 03:00 | Last updated: May 6 2008 03:00

From Sir John Keegan, Sir Ian Kershaw, Sir Max Hastings and other historians.

Sir, Your report (May 3) that the National Archives in Kew was seeded with 29 forged documents is a cause for concern among historians. That concern is exacerbated by the fact that, despite a lengthy police investigation, no prosecution will take place in connection with this apparent attempt to distort our view of the past.

The integrity and reputation of the National Archives, and other institutions like it around the world, are precious commodities.

In the absence of a judicial process, it must surely be in the public interest for some kind of official report on this matter to be compiled and published.

That would act as a deterrent to those who might be tempted to undertake similar activities. It would also quash speculation about the origin of, and motivation behind, these forgeries.

John Keegan
Ian Kershaw
Max Hastings
M.R.D. Foot
Antony Beevor
Niall Ferguson
Andrew Roberts
Tristram Hunt

Je remarque (avec satisfaction) que ces personnes ne considèrent pas la demi-publication pleine de trous et d'incohérences (dont j'ai signalé une partie dans mes posts précédents) déposée le 3 sur le site des archives de Kew comme un rapport officiel satisfaisant.

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