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Un bateau pour l'enfer / Gilbert Sinoué

En réponse à
-1Goebbels et Heydrich de Etienne Lorenceau

Un autre compte rendu de cette tragedie de Etienne Lorenceau le samedi 04 février 2006 à 17h02

Tres difficile a trouver la publication tres bien documentee par Mendelsohn sur l'holocaust publie par Garland et son volume 7 (sur le drame du St Louis). Le St Louis fut malheureusement le premier d'une serie d'odyssees dont certaines cherchant a atteindre la Palestine furent beaucoups plus meurtrieres n'epargant pas meme les enfants.
Mendelsohn, John. (ed.) The Holocaust (document series). 18 volumes. Garland Publishing Inc. New York / London - 1982.
Planning and preparation
Vol 1. Legalizing the holocaust: the early phase, 1933 - 1939. Introduction by John Mendelsohn.
Vol 2. Legalizing the holocaust: the later phase, 1939 - 1943. Introduction by John Mendelsohn.
Vol 3. The crystal night pogrom. Introduction by John Mendelsohn.
Vol 4. Propaganda and aryanization 1938 - 1944. Introduction by John Mendelsohn.
Vol 5. Jewish emigration from 1933 to the Evian conference of 1938. Introduction by John Mendelsohn.
Vol 6. Jewish emigration 1938 - 1940: Rublee negotiations and the intergovernment committee. Introduction by John Mendelsohn.
Vol 7. Jewish emigration: the SS St Louis Affair and other cases. Introduction by John Mendelsohn.
The killing of the Jews
Vol 8. Deportation of the Jews to the East: Stettin, 1940, to Hungary, 1944. Introduction by John Mendelsohn.
Vol 9. Medical experiments on Jewish inmates of concentration camps. Introduction by John Mendelsohn.
Vol 10. The Einsatzgruppen or murder commandos. Introduction by Willard A. Fletcher.
Vol 11. The Wannsee protocol and a 1944 report on Auschwitz by the Office of Strategic Services. Introduction by Robert Wolfe.
Vol 12. The “Final solution” in the extermination camps and the aftermath. Introduction by Henry Friedlander
Vol 13. The judicial system and the Jews in Nazi Germany. Introduction by John Mendelsohn.
Rescue attempts
Vol 14. Relief and rescue of Jews from nazi oppression, 1943 - 1945. Introduction by John Mendelsohn.
Vol 15. Relief in Hungary and the failure of the Joel Brand mission. Introduction by John Mendelsohn.
Vol 16. Rescue in Switzerland: the Musy and Sally Mayer affairs. Introduction by Sybil Milton.
Vol 17. Punishing the perpetrators of the holocaust: the Brandt, Pohl, and Ohlendorf cases. Introduction by John Mendelsohn.
Vol 18. Punishing the perpetrators of the holocaust: the Ohlendorf and von Weizsaeker cases. Introduction by John Mendelsohn.

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