Le 21 Aout 1944 - Pacte avec le diable - forum "Livres de guerre"
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Pacte avec le diable / Fabrizio Calvi

En réponse à -2
-1Pressions diplomatiques sur Horthy de Francis Deleu

Le 21 Aout 1944 de Etienne Lorenceau le samedi 15 octobre 2005 à 09h02

Cette date que vous rapportez cher Francis est interessante a plus d'un titre:
Horty avait deja interdit les deportations depuis le 8 juillet (meme si eichmann avait encore reussi a faire transferer dans des camions un convoi ferroviaire de malheureux pour les deporter).
C'est aussi la date ou 127 forteresses volantes bombardent les usines qui se trouvent a moins de 8 kms du camps d'Auschwitz et qui "employaient" les esclaves du camps

Voici une petite perspective hongroise
30-Jun-44 Reszo Kastner's train (negocie avec l'accord d'Himmler comme gage de serieux de l'offre transmise par Brand) leaves from Budapest to Bergen Belsen with 1685 persons (ce train arrivera finalement en Suisse)
2-Jul-44 Heavy Anglo-American bombing on Budapest (500 victims)
3-Jul-44 Horthy advises Maximilian Jaeger that after the 9th there will be no further deportations (ce ne sont donc pas les bombardements qui l'ont fait plier contrairement a la conviction de Freudiger exprimee a Nuremberg)
5-Jul-44 Professor Karl Burckhardt, President of the International Red Cross, makes a personal appeal to Horthy
6-Jul-44 Sir Anthony Eden with Weizman and Moshe Shertok meet in London to discuss Eichmann's offer to Joel Brand
7-Jul-44 Mr. Anthony Eden, Britain's Foreign Secretary announcement in the House of Commons
8-Jul-44 Horthy orders the stopping of the deportation
8-Jul-44 The Kasztner transport arrives in Bergen Belsen (et ne reparttira que quelques mois plus tard)
9-Jul-44 Ferenczy's report (Hungarian Gendarmerie) gives a total for the Hungarian mass-murdering: Jews in the provinces were thrown into ghettos from 16 April 1944, and in mid-May deportations to Auschwitz began. They continued at a feverish pace until 9 July 1944. During this period of less than two months, 434,351 Jews were deported in 147 trains of sealed freight cars, about 3,000 men, women and children to each train, and the average was two to three trains daily.
11-Jul-44 Churchill reacted about the information about Auschwitz Birkenau with a striking written command to Eden explaining that the Jewish persecutions are "there is no doubt that this is probably the greatest and most horrible crime ever committed in the whole history of the world..."
14-Jul-44 Avriel Heoud gives Joel news about Hansi
18-Jul-44 Hungarian gendarmerie units arrest Kasztner and keep him incommunicado for nine days
20-Jul-44 Von Stauffenberg's attempt against Hitler's life
20-Jul-44 President Roosevelt was nominated for an unprecedented fourth term of office at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago
20-Jul-44 London Times article about the Brand's mission
21-Jul-44 BBC heard by Freudiger: I remember that day well, it was a Friday - I received an urgent telephone call from Wisliceny saying that he wanted to speak to me, and that I should come to him right away. I went to his private apartment on the Schwabenberg. He told me that a day or two before he had been in Bratislava, where he had spoken to Rabbi Weissmandel and with all our Jewish friends; they had heard the B.B.C. broadcast which reported on Brand's programme to exchange a million Jews for 10,000 trucks, and that the B.B.C. added that a guarantee had been required that these trucks would not be used except on the western front, but on the eastern front against the Russians, and His Majesty's Government could not do anything against its allies, the Russians
24-Jul-44 Russians liberate the Majdanek extermination camp
10-Aug-44 British officials greeted with suspicion and hostility Horthy’s tentative offer in August 1944 to permit an exodus of the remaining Hungarian Jews. Lord Henry Croft of the War Office wrote to Anthony Eden. “I feel that there may be pressure from the U.S. for electioneering reasons to persuade us to give pledges which we may not be able to implement and I foresee a grave menace of political repercussions if a very large number of Jews in Hungary are assembled at some port or ports and His Majesty’s Government are unable to transport or accommodate them. Anything we do, therefore, it seems to me, should be subject to shipping available and camps adequate to house."
16-Aug-44 U.S. War Department issues a statement that bombing Auschwitz would divert air power from "decisive operations elsewhere."
21-Aug-44 127 Flying Fortress Bombers drop high-explosives on the factory areas at Auschwitz, less than five miles east of the gas-chambers
21-Aug-44 First meeting between Saly Mayer, Swiss representative of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) in Switzerland, Kasztner and Kurt Becher on the Sankt-Margareten bridge linking Switzerland and Austria
21-Aug-44 The first 318 Jews are released from Bergen Belsen and and transported to Switzerland.
24-Aug-44 To which Anthony Eden replied to Horthy's proposal: “We have now agreed to join with the United States Government in a declaration that we will give a refuge to those Jews who leave Hungary . . . . We have pointed out to the Americans the special difficulties which confront us in providing accommodation and they have guaranteed not to face us with the impossible. We have been careful to induce them to agree to a declaration referring only to Jews specified in the offer--a manageable number of immigrants."
25-Aug-44 Paris is liberated
30-Aug-44 Rumanian switches to the Allies side

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