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Canaris : le maître espion de Hitler  - Eric Kerjean
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§:c (


le Glossaire de Francis a trouvé :

Canaris (Amiral) - Allemagne nazie

(1887-1945) Brillant officier de marine pendant la Première guerre mondiale, l'amiral Wilhem Canaris est nommé chef de l'Abwehr, en 1935, en même temps que contre-amiral. Canaris adopte dès 1940 une attitude hostile à l'égard d'Hitler et du nazisme. Fut-il un véritable espion ou un allié secret? Sans pouvoir le préciser avec certitude, on peut toutefois affirmer qu'il joua un rôle politique important pendant la guerre, grâce à ses multiples contacts secrets avec l'étranger. Après l'attentat manqué contre Hitler en juillet 44, il sera arrêté comme comploteur et pendu en avril 1945, peu avant la fin de la guerre.

R - Résistance (France)

Dans le cadre de l'organisation de la Résistance, la lettre R suivie de 1 à 6 indiquait une région de la zone Sud (zone non occupée jusqu'en 1942).
R1 : Région Rhône-Alpes (centre Lyon).
R2 : Région Provence-Côte d'Azur (centre Marseille).
R3 : Région Languedoc-Roussillon (centre Montpellier).
R4 : Région du Sud-Ouest (centre Toulouse).
R5 : Région de Limoges (centre Brives puis Limoges).
R6 : Région de l'Auvergne (centre Clermont-Ferrand).

En zone Nord occupée, les régions étaient définies par les simples lettres : P - A - B - C - D - M
(voir "zone")

SS - Schutzstaffel - Allemagne nazie

"Echelon de protection" ou "Section de protection".
Créée en 1923, la SS est d'abord la garde prétorienne de Hitler. Sous l'impulsion de Heinrich Himmler qui en prend la tête le 6 juin 1929, elle devient la police du Reich. A partir de 1937, la SS est chargée de la gestion du système concentrationnaire.
Himmler portera le titre de "Reichsfürher-SS".

A partir de 1935, la SS se subdivise en différentes branches notamment:
- SS Verfügungstruppe (troupes mises à disposition), organisées militairement et qui deviennent, au début de la guerre, les Waffen SS.
- SS Totenkopf (tête de mort) chargées de la garde des camps de concentration.

Dans ce texte :

Juste pour vous faire patienter sur Canaris de Etienne Lorenceau le lundi 02 février 2015 à 20h12

Voici un rapport d'interrogation de Gisevious par le tribunal de Nüremberg qui montre, selon moi, que Canaris allait au contact des SS ayant commis les pires exactions pour tenter d'ne tirer des informations, du'ne part, et pour tenter de les retourner dans la mesure du possible comme il a réussi à le faire avec un Nebe rendu psychotique par sa participation aux Einsatzgruppen et a tenté de le faire avec schellenberg durant leur promenade à cheval où il l'a fait douter de la victoire en lui exposant qu'un deuxième front à l'Ouest voulait irrémédiablement dire la perte de la guerre.

Vous remarquerez que Canaris est associé dans un "nous" qui comprend Oster et d'autres résistants incontestables...

Début de citation :

MR. JUSTICE JACKSON. Now, there came a time when Heydrich was assassinated in Prague, did there not?
DR. GISEVIUS. Yes, some very brave Czechs were able to do what we unfortunately could not achieve. That will always be to their glory.
MR. JUSTICE JACKSON. Now, I suppose the Czechs, and perhaps you too, expected that the assassination of Heydrich would result in some improvement in this condition?
DR. GISEVIUS. We asked ourselves, we, Canaris, Oster, Nebe and the others of the group, whether it was at all possible that an even worse man could be found to succeed such a monster as Heydrich; and we really did think that the Gestapo terror would now subside and that perhaps we would have a certain amount of honesty and integrity or that at least the cruelties might be reduced.
MR. JUSTICE JACKSON. And then came Kaltenbrunner. Did you notice any improvement after the appointment of Kaltenbrunner? Tell us about that.
DR. GISEVIUS. Kaltenbrunner came and things become worse from day to day. Once more we learned that perhaps the impulsive actions of a murderer like Heydrich were not as bad as the cold, legal logic of a lawyer who took over the administration of such a dangerous instrument as the Gestapo.
MR. JUSTICE JACKSON. Can you tell us whether Kaltenbrunner took an even more sadistic attitude than Himmler and Schellenberg had done? Were you informed about that?
DR. GISEVIUS. Yes. I know that Heydrich, in a certain sense, had something like a bad conscience when he committed his crimes. At any rate, he did not like it if, in the circles of the Gestapo, these things were discussed openly. Nebe, who, as Chief of the Criminal Police, had the same rank as the Chief of the Gestapo, Muller, always told me that Heydrich took care to conceal his crimes.
Upon the entry of Kaltenbrunner into that organization, this practice ceased. All these things were now openly discussed among the department chiefs of the Gestapo. Of course, the war had started and these gentlemen lunched together, and Nebe often came to me completely exhausted from such luncheons, so that he had a nervous breakdown. On two occasions Nebe had to be sent on sick leave for lengthy periods because he simply could not stand the open cynicism with which mass murder, and the technique of mass murder, were discussed.
I remind you only of the gruesome chapter of the installation of the first gas chamber, which was discussed in detail in this circle, as were the experiments as to how one could most quickly and most efficiently remove the Jews. These were the most horrible descriptions I have ever heard in my life, since of course, it is so much worse when you hear them from some one who is still under the direct impression of such discussions, and who because of this is almost at the point of collapsing physically and mentally, than when you hear of it from documents. Nebe became so ill, that actually as early as 20 July he had a persecution mania and became a human wreck as the result of everything he had gone through.
MR. JUSTICE JACKSON. Was it the custom to have daily luncheon conferences of the chiefs of the Main Security Office, those who happened to be in town?
DR. GISEVIUS. Daily conferences; everything was discussed at luncheon. This was of particular importance to us, because we heard details of the methods used by the Gestapo in the fight against our group.
To prove my statements, I can report that, for instance, the order issued for the arrest of Goerdeler on 17 July was decided upon during such a luncheon conference, and Nebe warned us at once. That is the reason why Goerdeler was able to escape at least for a while, and why we were able to learn to what extent the Gestapo knew of our plot.
MR. JUSTICE JACKSON. And who were the regular attendants at those luncheon conferences?
DR. GISEVIUS. Kaltenbrunner presided. Then there were Gestapo Leader Muller, Schellenberg, Ohlendorf, and Nebe.

MR. JUSTICE JACKSON.And do you know whether, at those meetings, the new kinds of torture and the technique of killing by gas, and other measures in the concentration camps, were discussed?
DR. GISEVIUS. Yes. They were discussed in great detail, and sometimes I received the description only a few minutes later.

Find de citation

Clairement les circonstances se réfèrent au 1er semestre 1943.

Comme vous le savez certainement, Nebe obtint de se faire muter à l'Abwehr dans une vaine tentative d'exhociser et réparer ses propres crimes passés

Mais schellenberg a réussi à se faire couvrir par les Britaniques et les américains et faire effacer ses crimes ... vous pourrez me lire un jour sur ce sujet.

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