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§:c (


le Glossaire de Francis a trouvé :

Gehlen (Reinhard) - Allemagne

Richard Gehlen est né en 1902. Durant les premières années de la République de Weimar, il s'engage dans la Reichswehr où il gravit les échelons sans problème. En pleine guerre (1942), il est nommé commandant des Fremde Heer Ost chargés de récolter et d'analyser les renseignements sur l'URSS pour le front de l'Est. Cette fonction lui permet d'exprimer un anticommunisme viscéral. Au printemps 1945, Gehlen propose à Walter Schellenberg la création de maquis en Pologne pour résister à l'avancée soviétique. En vain. Convoqué par Hitler, il lui fait un exposé de la situation du Reich sans fard. Le Führer n'apprécie pas la présentation de Gehlen. Il est révoqué le 9 avril 1945 et se retrouve au chômage technique dans la Führerreserve de l'OKH. Il profite des dernièrs passages vers le Sud de l'Allemagne pour y mettre en sûreté les archives des FHO. En juin 1945, il rencontre l'agent John Boker, capitaine des renseignements de l'US Air Force chargé des interrogatoires de prisonniers auquel il propose ses services, ses réseaux et son anticommunisme. Après une série de péripéties, l'armée confie le colis Gehlen au général Sibert qui l'installe en Allemagne dans la "Maison bleue" futur siège de son organisation qui recrute et recycle un tiers de ses agents parmi des anciens du SD et de la Waffen SS. Les Américains ne bougent pas. En juillet 1949, la CIA contrôle officiellement les réseaux Gehlen sous le nom de code Zipper.
L'année suivante, le gouvernement de la zone ouest d'occupation alliée est autorisé à monter un service de contre-espionnage. Le chancelier Andenauer propose que Reinhard Gehlen prenne la direction du futur BfV, une candidature qui soulève un tollé chez les Alliés. Mais le durcissement de la guerre froide va permettre à Gehlen d'être propulsé à la tête des services ouest-allemand qui deviennent le Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) le 20 février 1956.

R - Résistance (France)

Dans le cadre de l'organisation de la Résistance, la lettre R suivie de 1 à 6 indiquait une région de la zone Sud (zone non occupée jusqu'en 1942).
R1 : Région Rhône-Alpes (centre Lyon).
R2 : Région Provence-Côte d'Azur (centre Marseille).
R3 : Région Languedoc-Roussillon (centre Montpellier).
R4 : Région du Sud-Ouest (centre Toulouse).
R5 : Région de Limoges (centre Brives puis Limoges).
R6 : Région de l'Auvergne (centre Clermont-Ferrand).

En zone Nord occupée, les régions étaient définies par les simples lettres : P - A - B - C - D - M
(voir "zone")


Le mot Vietnam (le sud des Viet) désignait le royaume qui s'étendait au XIXe siècle de la porte de Chine à la pointe de Ca Mau. C'est ainsi que l'empereur Gia Long avait baptisé son pays. Les monarques qui le précédèrent l'appelaient Dai Viet (le grand Viet). Ming Mang, qui succéda à Gia Long en 1820, renomma le pays Dai Nam (le grand sud), mais cette appellation n'arriva pas à supplanter la précédente dans l'usage courant. Les Français utilisèrent le mot An Nam (sud pacifié) que les Chinois employaient couramment pour rappeler que "pendant mille ans, le Nan Yue (Nan Viet ou Viet du sud) fut une marche méridionale du Céleste empire". En reprenant cette appellation, les Français signifiaient qu'ils succédaient au "suzerain" précédent, d'autant que le roi Tu Duc avait fait appel à l'empereur de Chine contre les Français. Les nouveaux maîtres firent plus en réduisant le royaume d'Annam à la portion congrue: la partie centrale du royaume. Le nord et le sud, baptisés respectivement Tonkin et Cochinchine, furent soustraits à l'autorité (toute théorique) du monarque "protégé".
(Définition de Pierre Brocheux extraite du livre de Marc Ferro: "Le livre noir du colonialisme"). (LB)

Waffen SS - Allemagne nazie

Section de protection de l'armée. Unités combattantes de la SS (Voir SS).

World War Two - WW2 - Divers

Seconde Guerre Mondiale pour les Anglo-saxons et les anglophiles.
Pour simplifier la vie du lecteur, certains auteurs écriront WWII.
Utile à retenir cependant pour une recherche efficace sur le Web.

CIA - Commission italienne d'armistice - Vichy

La CIA siégeait à Turin.
A ne pas confondre avec "Central Intelligence Agency" la CIA américaine.

SS - Schutzstaffel - Allemagne nazie

"Echelon de protection" ou "Section de protection".
Créée en 1923, la SS est d'abord la garde prétorienne de Hitler. Sous l'impulsion de Heinrich Himmler qui en prend la tête le 6 juin 1929, elle devient la police du Reich. A partir de 1937, la SS est chargée de la gestion du système concentrationnaire.
Himmler portera le titre de "Reichsfürher-SS".

A partir de 1935, la SS se subdivise en différentes branches notamment:
- SS Verfügungstruppe (troupes mises à disposition), organisées militairement et qui deviennent, au début de la guerre, les Waffen SS.
- SS Totenkopf (tête de mort) chargées de la garde des camps de concentration.

Dans ce texte :

Fritz Kraemer (1 ou 2 ???) de Jacques MAUDOUX le mercredi 19 mars 2014 à 16h15

Je me pose des questions sur Fritz Kraemer ...

Voir :

Broadcast #787 January 5, 1987

Time length: 60 min.

Mae Brussell: Good evening, this is Mae Brussell. The title of this program is World Watchers. It is program number 787. It is January 5, 1987.


Fritz Kraemer's name is twice in this one article as being the kind of person that will have direct access to the White House: no more basement, no more cow towing to Congress, and no more having to deal with the State Department. It's quite clear what they want.

Now who is this Fritz Kraemer? Why do I keep talking about Fritz Kraemer? I'm going to run through a few questions and points about Fritz Kraemer that some of you remember and have, but I owe it to the new listeners to understand [some things] about Fritz Kraemer.

In all of the biographies and autobiographies of Henry Kissinger and Alexander Haig, they refer to one man, Mr. Fritz Kraemer, as the man responsible for their careers; they give him credit. In our Army he left as a lieutenant, and he made this General (Haig) and this powerful Henry Kissinger.

In all of the policies, where Henry Kissinger has moved to as Secretary of State, in National Security, in the State Department, or with Nelson Rockefeller in the Council on Foreign Relations, or the Trilateral Commission — there has been blood and chaos wherever he has his influence.


Wherever the countries were overthrown the narcotics followed. When it was in Southeast Asia in Laos, the opium started coming in. The people involved with the Contragate; defendants in the Christic Institute [lawsuit]: General Secord, General Singlaub, Thomas Clines, and Theodore Shackley from the CIA — were all involved with opium traffic in Southeast Asia in Laos, and in the Nugan Hand Bank, and bringing opium and narcotics into the United States. Kissinger made policies of narcotics in Asia in this way.

In Iran he helped Nelson Rockefeller and the CIA with the first coup overthrowing Mossadeq and putting in the Shah of Iran. The Shah was a great drug trafficker.

Via Marseilles and the French connections in Pakistan, when Bhutto was killed and Zia took care of the drug traffic they became one of the largest drug dealers in the world. Henry Kissinger changed that government.

He worked closely with the escape of Klaus Barbie, was with him after the war in Germany, and was instrumental in contacts and politics in Bolivia when Barbie began to instigate his ascendancy in the cocaine traffic — after Richard Nixon came to power — out of Bolivia.

South Korea and Japan have used Ryoichi Sasakowa, the old Kuomintang gang, the China Lobby, to get power through narcotics, and so forth.

Wherever Kissinger has had policies in Southeast Asia, Iran, Pakistan, Bolivia, Brazil, South America, Central America, and the Middle East — it had to do with the escalation, into our banks, of about 80 billion dollars of narcotics and drug money coming in, thanks to these policies.

Henry Kissinger had a long association with Hitler's top Generals — even though he was young — after World War Two. He was in the U.S. Army: C.I.C., the Intelligence Corps, the 970th division, in charge of Klaus Barbie in 1945.

John J. McCloy, who we know was on the Warren Commission and concealed the Nazi role in the murder of John Kennedy, released the top Nazi criminals that were arrested. And he's the gentleman who put Henry Kissinger into Harvard, and along with Peter Drucker and Mr. Fritz Kraemer they handled Kissinger's career from Harvard to the Council on Foreign Relations into the State Department.

Klaus Barbie became a cocaine king along with the government officials in Bolivia. Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon were close to those men in power. He was assigned to be in charge of top Nazis after the war when he was just very, very young. And then after that went to Harvard and was stationed in Germany over [in] Oberammergau, Germany, which is one of the most anti-Semitic cities in Germany.

Henry Kissinger's mentor [was written about] in a Washington Post article March 2, 1975 by a gentleman who is not around anymore; he passed away. The author of this particular document is Nick Thimmesch. It's a first article and probably the only one in the United States about Fritz Kraemer that has been available up to this time. He referred to him as a Plans Officer for the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army. He retired in the late 1970s. As you see he didn't retire, he went from Defense to NSC. He's the man behind Alexander Haig, Vernon Walters (our U.N. Ambassador now), James Schlesinger and Arri Frolich(?). Walters also helped overthrow the government of Brazil with Frank Carlucci, our current National Security Advisor.

Kraemer came from a wealthy German family in the chemical dyes and paraffin industry in Germany. Probably I.G. Farben because they had the monopoly on the dyes and chemicals before, during, and after the war. He came from a family of a monarchist. His son, Sven Kraemer, was in Nazi Germany during the war. Fritz Kraemer picked up his family after the war and brought them to the United States where his military-political career moved on.

He came to the United States originally in 1943 while his wife and son and mother were living in Nazi Germany. He joined the United States Army Intelligence and he recruited Henry Kissinger, who was also in the United States Intelligence. Fritz Kraemer and Henry Kissinger were stationed over in Oberammergau when the war was over. And as I say, Kissinger then went on to Harvard, and Kraemer went to the Pentagon. Both were in the Battle of the Bulge at the same time that the Waffen SS had Hitler's top Generals in the Battle of the Bulge. And one of Hitler's top Generals was named Fritz Kraemer.

The background I've given you, just a few sentences, is about the Fritz Kraemer who currently runs the National Security Council. That's his background; how he came to America, just in a few sentences, written by Nick Thimmesch.

Adolf Hitler had a Fritz Kraemer, I learned, as I began to study this other Fritz Kraemer. Adolf Hitler had three important men around him, the most important at the end of World War Two. One was a General Fritz Kraemer, one was Sepp Dietrich, and the other was Otto Skorzeny. The liaison between those men and Adolf Hitler and the Vatican was Richard von Wiezsacker, whose son is now the current President of Germany.

When the Battle of the Bulge was over and America won the war, by May of 1945, all three of these men important to Hitler, were taken prisoner together: Kraemer, Dietrich, and Skorzeny. All three were in charge of the Battle of the Bulge for Hitler after the war. And all three were stationed in the exact locations of Henry Kissinger and Fritz Kraemer, who were German, who wore American military uniforms, and were located in the same location as Hitler's agents.


Henry Kissinger's Kraemer planned the Vietnam War. He was over Westmoreland, and made strategic decisions that are now part of our history. Henry Kissinger's mentor is never seen with [Kissinger]; there isn't a single photograph of Henry Kissinger next to Fritz Kraemer, although he writes about him in his autobiography, and he is written about in other books about Henry Kissinger.

So why is Hitler's Fritz Kraemer so scarce if he was so important to Hitler? And why is Henry Kissinger's Kraemer so scarce if he was so influential in his life? And of course the question is: Are they the same person? It's time to get them photographed.

I wrote to Peter Rodino a long time ago, because it was his committee that was supposed to look into Nazi war criminals who came into this country. And Reinhard Gehlen was not considered a criminal. He wasn't charged, or the charges were dropped. But [Hitler's Kraemer] has a number and a case record against him, so if it's the same one it would be interesting to know.

One of their partners, Otto Skorzeny, set up the terrorist teams after the war and worked with all of the top Nazis, particularly in the Middle East, in Libya, in Egypt, in North Africa, and in the P.L.O, and all the Palestinian groups and Muslims. Otto Skorzeny was a key man to all of this, and he worked with our C.I.A. after the war. I wrote about him in my article in Rebel on the Nazi connections to the Kennedy assassination.

Some of the books I have as references I will send out next week with the tapes. As I say, some of you have this sheet and some of you don't. Washington Post, March 3, 1975, the Nick Thimmesch article "The Iron Mentor of the Pentagon."


_ _ _

Ce qui précède me laisse perplexe car j'ai eu le même problème avec "Fritz Kraemer". J'ai cru qu'il n'y en avait qu'un avant d'être convaincu (notamment à cause de Wikipedia) qu'il y en avait deux.

Je ne sais donc plus vraiment si l'article suivant est valable ou pas :

Si Fritz Kraemer, qui a "découvert" Henry Kissinger et Alexander Haig a bien eu un passé nazi, cela vaut la peine d'être connu. Le passage de Henry Kissinger au CIC en Allemagne mérite aussi d'être mieux connu... mais les archives de Oberhausen ne sont pas toutes disponibles.

Voir aussi

C'est très important pour mieux comprendre la stratégie de la tension en Europe (et le rôle du Bilderberg).

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