Enigma ou la plus grande énigme de la Guerre 1939 - 1945. sur le forum "Livres de guerre"
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Enigma ou la plus grande énigme de la Guerre 1939 - 1945.

Bertrand, Gustave

Ce livre confirme les informations parues dans celui de Paul Paillole "Notre Espion chez Hitler" et celui de Jean Medrala
Les réseaux de renseignements Franco-polonais 1940-1944

Clairement Gustave Bertand en dit moins qu'il n'en sait. Mais il est clair que nos amis Britanniques ont appris le décodage d'Enigma comme résultat du travail des mathématiciens Polonais sur la base des informations fournies par... Gustave Bertrand.

November 23, 1931: Following Colonel Bassiere (head of the French Cipher) statements that it is impossible to crack mechanical crypting (even with the documents supplied by Ashes), Gustave Bertrand contacts Commander Wilfred Dunderdale of the British IS to start a cooperation on Enigma code breaking.
Paillole, Paul: Notre espion chez Hitler p 39
November 26, 1931: Wilfred Dunderdale of the British IS says that his service share the opinion of French Colonel Bassiere: the coding of Enigma machines cannot be cracked
Paillole, Paul: Notre espion chez Hitler p 39
December 7-10, 1931: Gustave Bertrand travels to Warsaw to try and make a cooperation agreement with Lieutenant Colonel Langer, head of the Biuro Szyfrow (Polish cipher service). The Poles are enthusiastic and Langer organizes for Bertrand to meet with his chef Colonel Mayer. They start a cooperation which will go past the Polish invasion and last as far as 1942.
Paillole, Paul: Notre espion chez Hitler p 40
May 9, 1932: “Asche” delivers a very important series of documents on the various versions of Enigma machines and the code for the next two months. Polish Lt Colonel Gwido Langer is fascinated by the quality of the information. His young assistant in the cipher service, Maksymilian Ciężki, nevertheless remains discrete with the French who supplied the documents, about the advance in their work on Enigma.
Paillole, Paul: Notre espion chez Hitler p 47
September 1, 1932: in order to succeed in the exploitation of the documents supplied by the French 2eme Bureau, Major Ciezki of the Polish secret services hires Marian Rejewski. This young mathematician turns out ot be a genious and will be the main inventor of the “Bomba” the ancestor of Alan Turing’s Ultra in Bletchley Park.
Paillole, Paul: Notre espion chez Hitler p 57/58
January 9, 1939: After a lunch at restaurant Drouant in Paris, in the office of the French Cryptology Services, Polish Lt Colonel Langer and Major Ciezki reveal for the first time to the British Commander Denniston and MM Knox and Foss, invited by the French Major Gustave Bertrand, the advance they have reached in deciphering the messages crypted by Enigma machines. The work of the genial Polish mathematician Marian Rejewski’s had been made possible by the essential documents on key tuning supplied by the French spy Hans Tilo Schmidt . The Polish team however do not supply technical details to their French and English counterparts.
Paillole, Paul: Notre espion chez Hitler p 163 & p 260/270
October 1st, 1939: The brilliant Polish mathematicians Rejewski, Zygalski and Rozicki who had broken the Enigma machine secrets, arrive in Paris after being secretly liberated from their Rumanian War Prisoners camp of Kalimaneski as the result of a French request. They start working to help six French cryptologists of Spanish origin in the Chateau de Vignolles. British Captain Mac Farlane had been invited by the French to represent the I.S. in the work
Paillole, Paul: notre espion chez Hitler p 168
March 6, 1940: Colonel Rivet using the night and day joint communication and work of Bletchley Park near London and PC Bruno in Chateau de Vignolles, decides that these results can be made operational keeping their source (“Ultra” for UK and “Source Z” for France) totally secret.
Paillole, Paul: Notre espion chez Hitler p 181
May 2, 1940: The French and English codebreakers of Ultra and Source Z fall in a stalemate owing to German changes on key settings for their Enigma machines.
Paillole, Paul: Notre espion chez Hitler p 183
May 22, 1940: Thanks to the genial Alan Turing, Bletchley Parks succeeds before the Franco-Polish PC Bruno to break the new key setting of the Germans which had been changed on May 2. The deciphering work however is still dramatically slow.
Paillole, Paul: Notre espion chez Hitler p 183

Maintenant après l'invasion de la zone sud, les décodeurs polonais arriveront jusqu'en Angleterre et AUCUN ne sera utilisé par Bletchley Park qui veut se garder l'avancée commune au seul profit des Britanniques auxquels les français ont fourni les machines Enigma et les principaux algorythmes de décodage...!


Editeur : Plon
Date edition : 1973
Support : livre
Genre : étude historique
Période concernée : de 1870 à 1945
Région concernée : Afrique, Europe et Asie/Pacifique

Proposé par Etienne Lorenceau le lundi 09 février 2015 à 19h28

Dernière contribution le lundi 10 décembre 2018 à 00h27

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