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Sous le Pseudonyme Rado / Sandor Rado

En réponse à
-1Plus je lis sur l'Orchestre Rouge... de Etienne Lorenceau

Voici les écrits lus ou consultés de Etienne Lorenceau le jeudi 15 janvier 2015 à 19h50

pendant plus de 40 ans et en prenant des notes pour arriver à ces quasi certitudes sur Canaris, Werther, Oster, Schellenberg, Masson, Guisan.... et en remerciant les membres de LdG qui m'ont indiqué de précieuses références (comme celle du Dr Lang sur Schellenberg).
Bien sûr aucune bibliographie n'est jamais complète mais...

Books by date of publication

Hermes R. A. [aka Rudolf Roessler] Die Kriegssehauplaetze and die Bedingungen der Kriegsfuehrung [The Theaters and the Conditions for Conducting War], © 1941 Lucerne - Vita Nova Verlag.
Gisevius, Hans Bernd. To the Bitter End © 1947 Boston – Houghton Mifflin
Pechel, Rudolf. Deutscher Widerstand [German Resistance], 1947 Erlenback-Zürich - Eugen Rentsch Verlag.
Dulles, Allen Welsh, Germany's Underground © 1947 New York - MacMillan and Co.
Barbey, Bernard : P.C. du Général Journal du chef de l'EM du Général Guisan © 1948 Neuchâtel - La Baconnière
NARA Research Group 319 Box 60 Red Orchestra File 1949
Alexander Foote. Handbook for Spies © 1949 London - Museum Press Ltd. Translated in French as Les secrets d’un espion soviétique. © 1951 Paris - Editions de la Paix. Some mistake like the death of Rado but an interesting account by one of the radio transmitter the Red Orchestra. Les premiers livres sont, selon Rado, moins romances que les ouvrages postérieurs.
Hagen, Walter: Die Geheime Front © 1950 translated in English as The Secret Front: The Story of Nazi Political Espionage. Very unreliable as Hoettl was fabricating a lot of information to make himself interesting to the allies in the post war era, but still contains information within credible backgrounds
Koestler, Arthur. The Invisible writing. © 1954 London chapter on Sandor Rado whom he personally worked for in 1935/36 in Paris
Flicke, W. F.: Spionagegruppe Rote Kapelle © 1954 Neptun Verlag & Agenten funken nach Moskau © 1957 Verlag Welsermuehl, Wels-Muenchen – München. A German counter espionage angle
Dallin, David. Soviet Espionage © 1955 Yale University Press, translated in German as Die Sowjet Spionage © 1956 Köln
Schellenberg, Walter: The Schellenberg Memoirs © 1956 London - André Deutsch (translation Louis Hagen) Schellenberg, Walter & Petersen, Gita Memoiren © 1959 Verlag für Politik und Wirtschaft, first translated in French as Le chef du contre-espionnage Nazi parle (1933-1945) © 1966 Librairie Académique Perrin then translated in English as The Labyrinth: Memoirs of Walter Schellenberg, Hitler's Chief of Counterintelligence © 1999 Da Capo Press
Abshagen, Karl Heinz. Canaris © 1956 English edition, Hutchinson and Co. Ltd.
Flicke, Wilhelm F.: Agenten funken nach Moskau © 1957 Kreuzlingen (the German counter espionage angle)
Ritter, Gerhard. The German Resistance © 1958 London - George Allen and Unwin Ltd.
Shirer, William F. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich © 1960 New York - Simon and Schuster.
Kimche, Jon. Spying for Peace General Guisan and Swiss Neutrality © 1961 London - Weidenfeld & Nicolson, translated in French as Un général suisse contre Hitler © 1962 Fayard. Quelques inexactitudes soigneusement relevées par Rado
Boveri, Margret. Treason in the Twentieth Century © 1961 London - MacDonald and Co. Ltd.
Peter, Karl Heiz (ed.) Spiegelbild einer Verschwörung. Die Kaltenbrunner-Berichte an Bormann und Hitler über das Attentat vom 20. Juli 1944. Geheime Dokumente aus dem ehemaligen Reichssicherheitshauptamt. © 1961 Stuttgart and © 1983 Busse-Seewald Verlag
Reile, Oscar. Geheime Westfront. Die Abwehr 1935 - 1945. ©1962 München, Wels : Welsermühl
Scheer, Maximilian. So war es im Paris © 1964 about Dora’s Inpress work in Paris before the war. Very interesting to confirm the veracity of Dora’s statements
Schramm, Ritter Wilhelm von (ed.) Beck und Goerdeler Gemeinschaftsdokumente für den Frieden 1941-1944 © 1965 – Münich
Pierre Accoce Books and Pierre Quet, La Guerre a été Gagné en Suisse © 1966 Paris - Perrin. Translated in German from the French by R. J. Humm as Moskau Wusste Alles © 1966 Zurich - Schweizer Verlag A. G. and in English by A. M. Sheridan Smith as The Lucy Ring © 1967 London - W. H. Allen and as A Man Called Lucy, © 1967 also by A. M. Sheridan Smith but in New York, Coward McCann Inc. The book has been heavily criticized by both the Western and Soviet Allies forcing the authors to publicly admit that their account wasn’t as documented as claimed. It should however be remembered that there is a distinct possibility that, when the book came out, the Western allies still wanted to keep Ultra as a military secret. In the same line, the Soviet at the time were not keen to let their Western allies know that they were well aware from Kim Philby about Ultra’s existeve and capacity. Possibly some of the later humbling admissions by the French journalists were forced on to them.
Buchheit, Gerdt: Der deutsche Geheimdiesnt - Geschichte der Militaerischen Abwehr © 1966 München
Schramm, Ritter Wilhelm von. Verrat im Zweiten Weltkrieg © 1967 Vienna, Dusseldorf - Econ Verlag, translated in French as Les espions ont-ils gagné la guerre ? - trahison dans le IIIème Reich - légende et réalités - le front intérieur rouge - le cas Rössler - Moscou à l’écoute - Double jeu et intoxication - les espions trahis. © 1969 Paris – Stock
Otto alias Pakbo Pünter : Der Anschluss fand nicht statt © 1967 Berne translated in French as Guerre secrète en pays neutre. © 1967 Lausanne – Payot. Quelques boursoufflures de la memoires générées par une nature extravertie et relevées par Rado.
Perrault, Gilles. L’Orchestre Rouge. © 1967 Paris – Fayard ; translated in English as The Red Orchestra (Witnesses to War) © 1968 London - Arthur Barker Limited,.
Arsenijevic, Drago. Genève appelle Moscou. © 1969 Paris - Robert Laffont
Brissaud, André. SS - Histoire du service secret nazi © 1972 - Plon
Brissaud, André. Hitler et l'ordre noir, Paris, Librairie Académique Perrin, 1969 an important post Nürenberg complement to Walter Schellenberg’s memoirs also with some attempts to twist facts with ommissions, sliding dates and few outright lies.
Brissaud, André: Canaris, le petit amiral, prince de l'espionnage allemand (1887-1945). © 1970 Paris - Librairie Académique Perrin
Rado, Sandor: Sous le pseudonyme Dora. © 1972 Paris – Julliard. Mémoires du chef du GRU en Suisse à la tête de la branche suisse de l’Orchestre Rouge translated from the Russian in French and with later translation from the French to English as Codename Dora © 1976 London – Abelard Schuman. The point of his memoirs is to demonstrate that it’s not his information which made the USSR win the war but the superior strategy of the Red Army. Lots of corrections about earlier literature and some omissions but apparently few lies on his story (apart from his covering the true name of his agents like Duebendorfer.)
Ruland, Bernd. Die Augen Moskau’s. © 1973 Zürich - Schweizer Verlangshaus
Brown, Anthony Cave. Bodyguard of Lies. © 1975 New York - Harper & Row
Hoehne Heinz. Canaris: Patriot im Zwielicht © 1976 Bertelsmann translated in French as Canaris: la veritable histoire du chef des renseignements militaires du IIIe Reich. © 1981 and in English as Canaris Hitler’s Master Spy © 1999 Cooper Square Press. Hoehne is most probably the most serious historian of WWII on the nazi and this book covers important topics.
Seale, Patrick & McConville, Maureen. Philby: The Long Road to Moscow © 1978 Penguin Books Ltd; New edition
Beus, J-G de : L’Invisible Informateur, Berlin 39-40 - l'incroyable histoire de l'officier allemand qui révéla les plans d'Hitler pour l'invasion de l'Europe. © 1979 Éditions France Empire
Garlinsky, Jozef : Intercept, The Enigma War. © 1979 London - J. M. Dent & Sons
Blank, Alexander S. & Mader, Julius: Rote Kapelle gegen Hitler. Verlag der Nation: Berlin 1979
Read Anthony & Fischer, David: Opération Lucy. © 1980 Paris - Fayard
CIA Report. The Rote Kapelle. The CIA’s history of Soviet Intelligence and Espionage Networks in Western Europe 1936-1945 © 1979 - Washington D.C. – Universsity Publication s of America
Hinsley F.H. British intelligence in the second world war Vol 2 © 1984 London - HMSO. P 60 “There is no truth in the much publicised claim that the British authorities made use of the ‘Lucy’ ring, a Soviet espionage organisation which operated from Switzerland, to forward intelligence to Moscow.” [The pages 58 to 66 are devoted with great details to the evolution of the communications (or the lack of it) between Whitehall and the Russians, even though there were missions both in Moscow and in London to that account (and therefore no need to use the Red Orchestra to that effect). The British wanted to hide the existence of Ultra and its deciphering efficiency, and the Russian wanted to hide that they knew about it and had whatever was necessary for them from Kim Philby. Being on the just and victors’ side sometimes makes some people one-eyed and possibly arrogant]
Knightley, Phillip : The Second Oldest Profession. © 1986 W.W. Noron & Co
Lasserre, André. La Suisse des annees sombres: Courants d'opinion pendant la Deuxieme Guerre mondiale, 1939-1945 © 1989 Payot focused on Brigadier Roger Masson, head of the Swiss SIS in his role of censorship to the press.
Flicke, W. F.: Rote Kapelle - Spionage und Widerstand. Die Geschichte der größten Spionage- und Sabotageorganisation im II. Weltkrieg © 1990 Weltbild revised edition of the 1954 early account by the German counter intelligence.
Dr Francis. Journal d’un médecin de campagne 1940 1990. © 1990 Suisse - Editions Fragniere. Confirms some points about the links between Roger Masson and WS as well as the situation of Général Guisan.
Erwin Bucher, Zwischen Bundesrat und General. Schweizer Politik und Armee im Zweiten Weltkrieg © 1991 Saint Gall and 1993 Zürich Orell Füssli. A different view of Hausamann
Klemperer, Klemens von. German resistance against Hitler © 1992 Oxford – Clarendon Press
Fest, Joachim : Plotting Hitler's Death: The Story of the German Resistance. © 1994 New York - Metropolitan Books
Richelson, Jeffrey: A Century of Spies: Intelligence in the Twentieth Century. © 1995 Oxford University Press US. p. 125 on Arvid Harnak
Tarrant, V. E. The Red Orchestra: The Soviet Spy Network Inside nazi Europe (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1995).
Kilzer, Louis. Hitler’s traitor: Martin Bormann and the Defeat of the Reich. © 2000 Novato, California – Presidio. Even if the hypothesis is wrong, the book is well documented and also supplies more photos than usual.
Farago, Ladislas. Burn After Reading: The Espionage History of World War II. © 2003 Naval Institute Press.
Macksey, Kenneth. The Searchers - Radio Intercept in Two World Wars. © 2003 – London – Cassel Books.
Breitman, Richard & Norman J. W. Goda. U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis. © 2005 Cambridge University Press
Rossé, Christian : Le Service de renseignements suisse face à la menace allemande, 1939-1945. © 2006 - Alphil et Lavauzelle
Pringle, Robert W. Historical Dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence © 2006 Scarecrow Press
Axelrod, Alan : Encyclopedia of World War II, Volume 1 p 380 Red Orchestra. © 2007 New York Facts On Files Inc
Laurent, Sebastien. Politique du Renseignement © 2009 Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux
Kamber, Peter: Csatorna Berlinbe – Rachel Dübendorfer, Christian Schneider és Rudolf Roessler. [Chanel to Berlin – Rachel Dübendorfer, Christian Schneider and Rudolf Roessler.] In: Hegedüs, Ábel / Suba, János (Hrsg.): Tanulmányok Radó Sándorról. A Budapesten 2009. nov. 4-5-én rendezet konferencia elöadásainak szerkesztett anyaga. [Studies on Alexander Radó. Redigierte Fassungen der Vorträge auf der am 4. – 5. November 2009 in Budapest veranstalteten wissenschaftlichen Konferenz]. HM Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum [War History Institute and Museum of the Hungarian Verteidigungsministeriums]: Budapest 2010
Miles, Jonathan. Otto Katz. Vie et mort d’un espion © 2010 Denoël Nothing much about the Red Orchestra but it had to be checked
Favre, Christian : La Suisse avant et pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. © 2011 - Les Editions Baudelaire
Macintyre, Ben. A Spy Among Friends: Kim Philby and the Great Betrayal © 2014 Bloomsbury Publishing
Milne, Tim. Kim Philby: The Unknown Story of the KGB's Master-Spy © 2014 Biteback Publishing

Newspaper and magazine articles (in order of publication):
Anonymous. Hans Oster © 8 December 1962 International Biographical Archiv (Munzinger Archiv ), p. 1128
Anonymous. Rudolf Roessler © 29 December 1966 International Biographical Archiv (Munzinger Archiv), Lieferung 51-52/66.
Malcolm Muggeridge. The Lucy Mystery © 8 January 1967 London - The Observer Review
Anonymous. Joachim Oster [son of Hans Oster] © 10 June 1967 International Biographical Archiv (Munzinger Archiv), Lieferung 23/67
Anonymous text citing Komsomolskaya Pravda. © 20 February 1968 Tass, International Service in English.
Anonymous. The Second World War - Traitors at the Fuehrer's Headquarters © 16 January 1967 Der Spiegel, Hamburg, pp. 30-44
Anonymous. article © 15 May 1966 Stern, Hamburg, No. 20, , pp. 7-9.
Rudolf Strobinger. The Man Whom No One Knows © 24 September 1967 Testimony of the Intelligence Service Worker, Prague, Lidova Demokracie,
Burke Wilkinson, review of A man Called Lucy © 11 June 1967 The New York Times.

Wilhelm Hoettl
Foote “Jim”
Leon Beurton “John”
Ruth Kuczynski then Ursula Maria Hamburger and then Ursula Beurton “Sonia”

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