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Opération "Garbo" / Christian Destremau

En réponse à -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2
-1Ils eurent tort d'avoir eu raison ! de René CLAUDE

Masson "ostracisé" de Etienne Lorenceau le mercredi 15 décembre 2004 à 06h52

Peut etre a cause de ces archives americaines declassifiees entre 2000 2002
Records of the Office of Strategic Services (Record Group 226) 1940-1946:
Box 276 Location: 250/64/26/07: Irish Republican Army information
Correspondence between Allen Dulles and New York OSS Office, November 1944-June 1945, ca. 50 pp. Folder entitled "Zurich Correspondence" that contains information on ALOSS Mission; French seizing gold in Konstanz; whereabouts of Hitler, Himmler, and Schellenberg; and blocking of German Assets in Switzerland; among other topics.
Macy Project Folder, 1945-1946, Vienna, Austria, ca. 50 pp. Contains a 20-page report about the Russian NKVD, primarily covering the 1930s.

Box 364: Reports and correspondence regarding relations with the Thais, ca. 100 pp. 1942-1944
Memo to William J. Donovan regarding plans for SO operations, Dec. 10, 1942, 6 pp.
Memo to the President regarding negotiations with the Germans in Switzerland and German peace feelers at the Vatican, January 24, 1945
Cable with information from Col. Masson, head of Switzerland's Secret Intelligence Organization, regarding General Schellenberg, February 4, 1945
Cable with information from Col. Masson regarding Schellenberg, April 5, 1945
Location: 250/64/28/05

Box 457: Rome, Italy Messages, 1946, ca. 200 pp.
Bern, Switzerland cables, March-April 1944, ca. 5 pp. A cable of March 15, 1944 refers to relationship between Schellenberg and Col. Mason, head of Swiss Intelligence.
Stockholm, Sweden cables, 1944, ca. 25 pp.
Location: 250/64/30/04
Box 458: Kappa Messages, 1943-1944, ca. 40 pp.
London, England cable, August 4, 1943, discusses the OSS relationship with the Roman Catholic Church's intelligence service,
Bern, Switzerland cable regarding dealings of Col. Mason of Swiss Intelligence, Schellenberg, and Allen Dulles, April 5, 1945, 2 pp.
Stockholm, Sweden cables, 1943-1944, ca. 20 pp.
Bern, Switzerland cables, 1942-1944, ca. 40 pp.
Stockholm, Sweden cables, 1944-1945, ca. 45 pp.
Istanbul, Turkey cables 1944-1945, ca. 20 pp. A March 17, 1944 cable relates to the OSS-War Refugee Board relationship.
Bern, Switzerland cables August-December 1944, ca. 60 pp.
Location: 250/64/30/04

Box 469: Paris, France Cables, 1945, ca. 50 pp.
Vienna, Austria cables, September 1945-June 1946, ca. 150 pp. A December 5, 1945 cable provides Vatican news
Stockholm, Sweden cables, February-April 1945, ca. 20 pp.
Cairo, Egypt cables, 1943-1945, ca. 40 pp. (Anything about Joel Brandt ?)
Caserta, Italy cables, November 1944, ca. 20 pp. Includes references to the Pope and the Vatican
Istanbul, Turkey cables, 1943-1944, ca. 50 pp.
Bern, Switzerland cables, March-April 1944, ca. 100 pp. References to the Mason-Schellenberg relationship and a March 28, 1944 cable explaining the Bern OSS organization.
Lisbon, Portugal cables, January-November 1943, ca. 100 pp.
Location: 250/64/30/06

Box 487: Report on evacuation of Sudenten Germans from Czechoslovakia, August 30, 1945
Report on the Abwehr and on Nazi personalities, August 7, 1945
Report on visits by King Leopold of Belgium to Hitler, 1944
Report on German-Soviet negotiations, 1938-1941, July 15, 1945
Report on Hungarian Nazi personalities in Bavaria and Oberosterreich, July 1945
Report on Hungarian political situation, September 1945
Report on Hungarian SS Division, September 1945
Report on internal conditions in Germany, March 12, 1943
Report on Soviet-Turkish relations, November 30, 1945
Report on living conditions in Russian Zone of Germany, October 29, 1945
OSS X-2 German Section Memo on Nazi resistance plans, with references to the Alpine Reduit, the RSHA, Schellenberg, and other top Nazis, n.d.
Report on internal situation in Finland, April 1945, 7 pp.
Report on Latvian scientists in Sweden, July 2, 1945.
Location: 250/64/31/01

RG: ? (Records of the COI/OSS Washington), Entry 118A
Boxes 4-6 Folder # File Title or Subject
4 2 Abwehr Activities in Sweden, Turkey and Algiers
2 Enemy Intelligence Activities in Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and
other countries
2 German and Italian Intelligence Activities in Sweden, Switzerland, and
other countries.
3 German Intelligence Activities in Spain and other countries
4 Axis Intelligence Activities in Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Trieste, and
other countries
4 Looted art treasures location: 190/7/11/06
5 1 Looted art
2 Swiss files
Abwehr and SD in Spain
Axis Intelligence Activities in Sweden
The Goering Collection
Heinrich Himmler
Schellenberg's Swiss and Swedish Connections/autobiography
Ukrainian deposits in Portugal
Vatican Policy and the Third Reich
Werewolf in Switzerland
Location: 190/7/11/06

RG: 131 (Director's Office and Field Station Records), Entry 190
Boxes 1-742

Box # Folder# File Title or Subject
29 117 Interrogation Reports; includes a file under the name Roger
Masson, chief of Swiss Military Intelligence, that includes a
Third U.S. Army Intelligence Center Special Interrogation
Report Number 1, dated July 14, 1945, detailing the
relationship between General Walter Schellenberg and the

Location: 190/9/24/01 to 05

Records of the Office of the Alien Property Custodian (Record Group 131)
Vesting Order Case Files:
Case files consisting of copies of vesting orders, recommendations for vesting, court documents, agreements, hearing examination files, orders nullifying all or part of original vesting order, and other legal, financial, and investigative records. Arranged numerically by Vesting Orders number.
Box V.O.
470 18684 Certain securities owned by Walter H. Schellenberg.
Location: B190/80/7/7

RG 59(?) (US National Archives and Records Administration: Name Cards 1940-1949)
Name Index to the Decimal File 1940-1944 (Entry 199C)
Boxes 1-1360 location: 250/1/19/01
Miscellaneous Affidavits and Interrogation Reports 1945-1946 (Entry 1088)
Arranged alphabetically by name of informant. Reports of interrogation of German diplomatic and consular officers and some affidavits of officers regarding their activities during the war.
Boxes 23-26 (Check who apart Ribbentrop and WS)
Box # File Title
25 Ribbentrop
Location: 250/48/30/07

Box # File Title
820.02 Censorhsip Intercepts
820.02 Enemy Activity in Switzerland
820.02 Fascists in Switzerland
820.02 German Agents in Switzerland
820.02 Nazi Agents
820.02 Nazi Agents in Switzerland
820.02 Nazi Party Membership Records
820.02 Nazis in Germany
820.02 Nazis in Sweden
820.02 Nazis in Switzerland
820.02 Schellenberg, Walter
820.02 Spain-Movements of Germans in
820.02 Western Hemisphere-Dangerous Germans in
Location: 350/68/19/05

Box # File Title
57 350 Restoration of Property in Germany Taken Under Duress
350 Schellenberg, Walter
350 American Property-Italy
350 Looted Jewels-Goering
Location: 350/68/20/02

*** / ***

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